DrSmash Integrations: Audatex Interface
Stay Ahead of the Fleet! Dr Smash has direct integration with Audatex, and we are the Only Body Management System to have this facility controlled and…
Stay Ahead of the Fleet! Dr Smash has direct integration with Audatex, and we are the Only Body Management System to have this facility controlled and…
What’s Happening and What You Need to Know. We are sure you are all aware that NetAssess has sent out a letter stating that…
Innovation and change are essential in today’s times – and we are here to…
A One-Way integration from Audatex to Dr Smash through the Auda-Connect API…
Your Feedback is Important to Us! We would like to ask you for any input / suggestions you may have for the Dr Smash Program.
Innovation and change is essential in today’s times – and we’re here to deliver! Dr Smash has been hard at work to make your time in the workplace and workshop as smooth and effortless as possible. We’re excited to be…
Compatible with Glasurit, R-M, Salcomix, BASF and BMW Colour System. This connects with your paint Import system and exports your open Jobs to their system to…
Welcome to the Dr Smash Cyber Week Specials Discounts Page. Please select the Package that is relevant to your Industry below to see our AMAZING Discount pricing Options. Please note all…
What are we talking about? In short, we have changed the way we store your DATA. This change is to protect your data, make it faster and more…
Are you prepared to lose all your Data? What are you doing to avoid it? What would you do if it did happen? Recently we have been receiving many calls from…