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Mechanical Workshop Subscriptions

Software that is ready to help you take control of your Mechanical Workshop and promote profitability

Mechanical Workshop Overview

Why Choose Dr Smash?

Our Mechanical Workshop Software is designed to ensure that you have full control over each and every service conducted. Dr Smash ensures this is done in many ways, One of which is through the use of careful stock control, including Consumables tracking. We ensure accurate Job Cards are populated with not only your standard Service lines but also any additional item used as well, while ensuring that each item is pulled from stock and your stock levels are always kept up-to-date.

Over the last 28+ years Dr Smash has been developing, tweaking and expanding our Workshop Package to cover every aspect of your shops everyday challenges and keeping it in line with industry standards. This has been done by working closely with not only the big industry names but also the mechanical workshops that are just starting out. This allows our package to function efficiently and effectively at all productivity levels in a way that is simple but robust in controls.

We prides ourselves on our ability to customise our software setup to the needs of your Industry and more specifically each shops unique needs. Dr Smash allows the Owners to specify the way they wants their company to run, and is safe in the knowledge that their rules will be applied. While still allowing for the flexibility to make a profit.

What Does Dr Smash Actually Do?

Right from the start, our most basic package (Business Essential), Dr Smash allows you to take control of your core business, Conducting Services and in some cases over the counter sales of parts. We do this through an easy to use Quoting/Jobcard creation window which can be completed line by line or through quick Service selection EG: A Service, B Service, C service – writing up what is required in each type of service , pulling your part prices and standard labour rates through.

Our Job cards are automatically updated when consumables or stock items are taken out of stores and ensures that at the end of the day you are invoicing for every item that you have used, including your mark up ensuring you keep making your profit no matter how busy or forgetful you become. We do the thinking for you.

This is by no means a full list and we of course cover all your standard Quoting, Jobcards, Debtors and Creditors requirements as well as requirements from Insurance companies such as Automatically generated Final Repair Calculations, Audatex Importing, Manufacturer reports, BAMS Reporting to name but a few.  Please have a look below at a short summary of what each package contains.

Mechanical Workshop Subscription Packages

Business Essential

recommended for small shops who need the basics of quoting

  • Invoicing & Debtors
  • Quotes to Jobcards
  • Comprehensive Reporting System
  • Workshop Floor Monitor
  • Service History
  • Internal Messaging System & Company Diary
  • Automated Letterhead

Business Core

recommended for small shops getting started

R1 350/mo
  • All Business Essential Modules
  • Stores & Consumables Management (Consumables & Second Hand Stock Management, Parts Order Tracking)
  • Customer Follow Up
  • Customer SMS Tracking
  • Tow In Control

Business Premium

recommended for large and multi-branch shops

R1 640/mo
  • All Business Core Modules
  • Employee Training Management
  • Booking In Monitor
  • Payroll
  • Online Backups
  • + 1 Additional Seat (3 total)

All above Mechanical Workshop Subscription Package options require a R 5 500.00 once-off, non-refundable set-up fee.

Notable Features

Audit Logs
Drag & Drop Documents & Photos Tracking
Data entered ONCE – no duplication of work!
Username, Password, and Access Level Control per User

Comprehensive Reporting

Marketing Reports
Work In Progress Listing
Profit Projection Reports
Quote Productivity Reports

Notable Modules

Quote Follow Ups
Invoicing and FRC
Quotes to Job Cards
Payroll and Financials
Spares Tracking and RFC’s
Employee Training Tracking
Company Cars and Fuel Recons
Consumable Purchase and Issuing
Creditors and Creditors Reconciliations
Time and Attendance and Job Productivity