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Dr Smash’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Welcome To Dr Smash’s FAQ’s

Hopefully the list below will give you the answers to all the questions you may have.
Some of the below options will link you to a page dedicated to your questions, those which can be answered in a short paragraph will be done so below:

What do you mean by Number of Seats?

Dr Smash doesn’t worry about how many Users your system has or how many PC’s have Dr Smash installed onto them.
We look at the number of people connected to the Database at one time.

If your system is set up with 2 seats you can have 50 users, 17 PC’s but only 2 people logged in at once.

Alternatively, if the system is set up with 17 seats you can have 50 users, 17 PC’s but only 17 people logged in at once.

What is the difference between Users and Seats?

There is a distinct difference between Seats and Users within Dr Smash.

Users are the number of staff members registered on Dr Smash, you can have as many of these unique user profiles as you need.
The number of seats is how many users can be connected to Dr Smash simultaneously.

If you require additional seats, you can purchase these at a once off price.

My accountant wants to use Pastel, is this a problem?

No, this is not a problem!

Dr Smash has got a Pastel Export Module that can be purchased which allows you to export all your transactions to Pastel.
This can be done daily, weekly, monthly, annually or as needed without duplication of data.

If you are interested in getting this added to your package please click the button below to send us an email.

How long does it take to get Dr Smash once my order has been placed?

As Fast As Possible

Dr Smash normally aims to have you up and running within 2 working days of receiving your Deposit.

We are able to do this through the use of Teamviewer to do our Installations and Support.
We simply connect on to your Server, download the installation file from our servers and PRESTO – we are ready to go!

This file is around 350-400mb so on slower internet connections this can take a bit of time but once it’s on your Server, all the files we need are there and ready to go.

Once we have your Server up and running we start on your Workstations which we add as and when you can give us access to them.

As you can see there are various moving parts in this Installation so delays from either side can increase the time taken, but our aim is always 2 working days from receipt of Deposit.

What is the difference between TPS & SQL?


What are we talking about?
In short, we have changed the way we store your DATA. This change is to protect your data, make it faster and more durable. Around 2008 Dr Smash decided that it was time to make the change from the legacy TPS System and move to a more modern SQL data back-end. Ensuring we remain at the forefront of our field and able to provide all the features that our development team can dream up.

What does that mean to you as a user or prospective user?
SQL is a far more stable, powerful and secure way of storing your data. This means that the chances of your data becoming corrupt is far lower, your queries should be faster on Dr Smash and data security is heightened. Nothing really changes for you in how you use Dr Smash other than you can rest easy knowing your Data is as safe as we can make it.

But I like how Dr Smash works now!
Fundamentally Dr Smash hasn’t change the way it fits together. We understand that converting over can be daunting and we wanted to make this as easy as possible. All our screens are very similar in design but have been neatened up to actually make it easier for you to find the information you are looking for.  This whole move was geared around make thing easier, faster and more efficient for you as the end user.

The features it boasts have expanded vastly passed what was originally in the TPS package though meaning you have the option to do so much more with your package.