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Paint Import Integration

Compatible with Glasurit, R-M, Salcomix, BASF and BMW Colour System.

This connects with your paint Import system and exports your open Jobs to their system to force your painters to only be able to mix against jobs that are actually on your shop floor. It then collects information from their system about each mix that is made against a job.

This information is then checked for anomalies such as :

  • Mixing for more money than allowed (Including early warning based on Gross Profit Percentages)
  • Mixing against jobs that have left your shop
  • Mixing against jobs that don’t exist
  • Mixing against Jobs that haven’t been started
  • Etc

Allowing you to keep both systems up to day and keep an eye on your paint shop with out having to switch systems, keeping you focused on the work at hand.

Training Webinar: Paint Import

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