Audit Reports
Audit Reports are easy when you know how! Dr Smash Can Compile Your Automatrix and BAMS Audit Report Automatically for you. We have had…
Audit Reports are easy when you know how! Dr Smash Can Compile Your Automatrix and BAMS Audit Report Automatically for you. We have had…
Yes, Dr Smash has the Audatex Importing Functionality. Despite claims to the contrary we are able to Import Audatex into Dr Smash. Dr Smash has always been…
What’s happened since? Where are we going? Mr Banfield was the founder and lead programmer for the last 27 years. He not only developed the program that you all use today but also…
Are you prepared to lose all your Data? What are you doing to avoid it? What would you do if it did happen? Recently we have been receiving many calls from…
April is the month for change!. VAT Updating to 15% vat is quick and easy. Our new version is currently with our beta…