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Ransomware! Are you protecting yourself?

Are you prepared to lose all your Data?

What are you doing to avoid it? What would you do if it did happen?

Recently we have been receiving many calls from clients who have been hit with ransomware and lost everything. Their Backups, Data, Pastel, Job Cards, Photos, everything… The worst part of all of this is many of these clients have not been doing their USB or Offsite Backups so have had to start from scratch.

Think about that for a second… If you got hit on the 25th of the month you would lose 25 days of invoices since your last month end print out?

How can you get around it?

Simple answer is make regular offsite backups. Remember, if they steal your server then you still lose your back ups if you haven’t taken it off site.
Alternatively, if you are on our SQL package you are welcome to take us up on our Remote Backup option which sends your Data to our server.

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