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Why should I change to SQL from TPS?

In an effort to keep Dr Smash and all our clients at the forefront of our industries we have rewritten our packages into the SQL format. Along with this change have come some adaptations to increase user-friendliness, improved functionality, efficiency and to just generally make things easier. Our new SQL package is fundamentally the same but boasts whole new features in almost all areas of the package. Some our new features were not even hinted at in the TPS package but have become features that our clients just can’t do without anymore.

Here are Five (5) reasons why you should change to SQL

  1. To keep your Dr Smash at the leading edge of the industry with all the new features, functions, formulas, design, forms and reports. (A list of these additional features can be requested from Head Office at any time.)
  2. SQL’s Data should never become corrupted meaning your data is safe and protected.
  3. In the SQL program wages are kept for every year.
  4. IRP5’s are kept in line with SARS requirements
  5. Unfortunately due to the success and strength of the SQL system TPS will no longer be receiving new features or bug fixes at any point in the future.

What does this mean for me as a TPS User?

Nothing changes for you should you choose not to upgrade. Dr Smash will still give you support, make letterhead changes etc. (We can upgrade you to the latest TPS package BUT you will not receive any new features or bug fixes after that version). Please note that should there be an unexpected power outage or network crash it is possible for your TPS data to become corrupt. We would highly recommend upgrading to SQL to combat this.

But what about my Current data?

Do not worry about your current data you will still have your current system (TPS) and be able to access it at any time.

Still Unsure? Watch this video to see some of the differences.

What do I get when I change over?

  1. The latest SQL version packed with all new features to make your life easier.
  2. You will receive Training on the new package – This is to get you up to speed with all the new features and minor design changes to improve efficiency.
  3. Data Import – Only key data will be imported into the new system to keep your list populated with only the latest customers and vehicles. Below are all the things we import for you (remember all your old data is still available in your TPS program at all times)
    • Last 30 days’ worth of quotes.
    • All OPEN Job cards – including the parts associated with these jobs
    • Each customers name for all the Open Jobs, Quotes and outstanding Debtors. (All other Customers will need to be manually entered back in (This is to help clear up your customer file)
    • Import Vehicles for any OPEN Jobs and the last 30 days Vehicles.
    • Any unpaid creditor Invoices and RFC’s not yet received
    • Only your Outstanding Debtors
    • Wages Data
    • All Un-reconciled items in your Cashbook
    • Loan Cars
    • Consumables Listing
    • Monitor
    • Asset and tool control

When can we organise with you to do this upgrade?

This depended on what parts of the program you are using.

  1. If you are using month ends facility, we can ONLY upgrade you at month end. This will stop the information in TPS package and continue it in the SQL package
  2. If you are not using Month-ends then we can upgrade you at any time