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How To: AutoMX VIN Numbers

AutoMX Connect: VIN Numbers

A simple step-by-step for setting up your AutoMX Connect VIN Number checks in your Dr Smash Program

AutoMatrix have implemented a flag on VIN Numbers that do not meet the requirements of 17 digits. This means that writing TBA / TBC will no longer be accepted.
We have the facility in the Dr Smash program where you can set that it checks the VIN Number while you are making your quote, ensuring your submissions will be correct.
Going forward, instead of using TBA / TBC, there is a drop down with various options stating the reason for not having typed in the VIN Number.

1.   Select File
2.   Select Defaults
3.   Select Defaults
4.   Select Quotes – Job Modules

5.  Force Input Checks

6.  Tick the Checkbox for the check that you require:

    • Strict: Force Chassis Digit Check (Checks for 17 digits)
    • Relaxed: Force Chassis Number (Checks something is in field)

Once you have completed your selection, select ✅ OK Save the Record

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