Stores & Consumables Management in Dr Smash
Parts Ordering and Tracking (Job Specific)
Major stock control
Outstanding Parts Tracking etc.
Consumable Stock Control
Allocation to specific jobs/departments/employees
Quick Order Functions
Stock Low Function
- Auto-Calculated mark-up price
- Split Item option on receiving
Consumables Management
- Purchasing
- Receiving
- Issuing
- Minimum stock ordering level controls
Stock On Hand
Secondhand stock controls
Asset Control
Asset issuing and receiving
The following aspects are covered in training for the Stores & Consumables Module:
Purchasing Job Parts
- Spares Summary
- Create Extras
- Authorising Extras
- Ordering of Spares
- Receiving
- RFC’s
- Reports
Receiving of Parts and Consumables
- Adding Consumables
- Requesting Consumables
- Ordering of Consumables
- Item Usage History
- Issuing against a Job
- Stock Take
- Reports
- System for Parts & Paint
- Track Wastage & Department Usage