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How To: Set Month End Defaults

Setting Month End Defaults in Dr Smash

In your Dr Smash Program

  1.  Select File
  2.  Select Defaults
  3.  Select Defaults
  1. Select the Debtors Control Module
  1. Select Month End Not to Print
  2. Tick the reports you DO NOT want to print out
  3. Select ✅OK Save the Record
  1. Back in your Defaults Listing, Select Creditors Control Module
  1. Select Month End Do No Print
  2. Tick the reports you DO NOT want to print out
  3. ✅OK Save the Record
  1. Back in your Defaults Listing, Select Spares & Stores Control Module
  1. Select Month End Do No Print
  2. Tick the reports you DO NOT want to print out
  3. ✅ OK Save the Record
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